

Sanyi Chemical


Sanyi Chemical

Synthetic heat conducting oil: JD-350

I. Appearance: yellow to colorless transparent liquid
II. Features:
1. Excellent heat stability.
2. Boiling point can reach 390℃.
3. Freezing point is below -30℃, can be used in cold region at winter.
4. No unpleasant odor, non-corrosive to metal.
5. Waste oil is reusable.
6. This product can be used with hydrogenated terphenyl.

Molecular weight 272
Density (20℃)(g/㎝3) 1.042
Boiling point (℃) 390
Freezing point(℃) <-30
Specific heat(kcal/㎏.℃ boiling point) 0.642
Heat of evaporation ( boiling point)(kcal/㎏) 66
Expansion factor (ml/ml.℃) 8.7×10-4
Flash point (open) (℃) 200
0℃ 188 Vapor pressure
100℃ None
50℃ 9.5
200℃ 2.8
Heat conductivity coefficient
200℃ 0.70
300℃ 0.30
350℃ 0.23

Thermodynamic property of JD-350

Vapor pressure
Specific heat
Heat conductivity coefficient
Heat of evaporation
-10 None 1.063 0.358 0.122 380 106
0 None 1.057 0.366 0.121 188 105
20 None 1.042 0.380 0.119 50 103
50 None 1.022 0.401 0.116 9.5 99.6
100 None 0.987 0.436 0.111 2.8 94.6
150 mmHg 0.952 0.472 0.106 1.25 89.7
200 2.8 0.917 0.507 0.100 0.70 84.8
220 6.4 0.903 0.521 0.098 0.57 82.9
240 13.3 0.899 0.535 0.096 0.48 81.0
260 26.2 0.875 0.550 0.094 0.41 79.0
280 48.8 0.861 0.564 0.091 0.34 77.1
300 87.2 0.847 0.578 0.089 0.30 75.1
320 149 0.833 0.592 0.087 0.27 73.2
340 245 0.820 0.606 0.084 0.24 71.2
360 390 0.805 0.62 0.082 0.22 69.1
390 0(kg/㎝2) 0.784 0.642 0.077 0.18 65.7

JD-350 is high temperature synthetic heat conducting oil with excellent heat stability, oxidation resistance, low vapor pressure and low freezing point.

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