

Sanyi Chemical


Sanyi Chemical

Low temperature heat conducting oil: L-65

Appearance: yellowish transparent liquid
II. Features:
1. Freezing point is lower than -60℃, low viscosity.
2. Good heat stability.
3. Non-corrosive to metal.
4. Waste oil is reusable.
5. No odor, has no effect on operator.
6. Excellent performance of oil mixture.

Molecular weight 182
Density (20℃)(g/㎝3) 0.994
Boiling point (℃) 280
Freezing point(℃) <-60
Specific heat(kcal/㎏.℃ boiling point) 0.581
Heat of evaporation ( boiling point)(kcal/㎏) 76
Expansion factor (ml/ml.℃) 9.8×10-4
Flash point (open) (℃) 140
0℃ 7.5 Vapor pressure
100℃ 1.3
50℃ 2.1
200℃ 83
Heat conductivity coefficient
200℃ 0.45
300℃ 0.24
350℃ 0.18

Thermodynamic property

Vapor pressure
Specific heat
Heat conductivity coefficient
Heat of evaporation
-70 None 1.063 0.321 0.125 520 None
-50 None 1.048 0.336 0.123 92 None
-30 None 1.032 0.351 0.121 19 None
-10 None 1.017 0.336 0.119 10.3 105
0 None 1.002 0.373 0.117 8.63 104
20 None 0.994 0.388 0.115 4.16 102
50 mmHg 0.971 0.410 0.112 2.12 99.0
100 1.3 0.933 0.447 0.105 1.05 94.1
200 83 0.857 0.522 0.093 0.46 84.2
220 153 0.841 0.536 0.09 0.40 82.2
240 267 0.825 0.551 0.087 0.35 80.2
260 445 0.809 0.566 0.084 0.31 78.0
280 0(kg/㎝2) 0.793 0.581 0.082 0.28 75.8
300 0.45 0.776 0.596 0.079 0.24 73.5
320 1.17 0.758 0.611 0.076 0.21 71.0
340 2.17 0.739 0.625 0.073 0.19 68.4
360 3.49 0.720 0.640 0.069 0.17 65.5

L-65 is high temperature synthetic heat conducting oil with favorable heat stability, oxidation resistance and low freezing point.

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